
Publication date (of file/URL)
13 December 2011

Press release (in Dutch) by IUCN-NL and eleven businesses on the occasion of the launch of the end advise of the taskforce Biodiversity and Natural Resources (2009-2011). on 13 december 2011. 

Publication date (of file/URL)
13 December 2011

Overview (in Dutch) of the recommendations in the report 'Green Growth, Investing in biodiversity and natural resources'.

Publication date (of file/URL)
13 December 2011

Letter (in Dutch) presenting the final advice of the Dutch Taskforce Biodiversity and Natural Resources (2009-2011) to the state secretaries of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation; of Infrastructure & Environment; and of Foreign Affairs.

Publication date (of file/URL)
13 December 2011

Dutch language version of the press release on the occasion of the presentation of the final advice of the Dutch Taskforce Biodiversity and Natural Resources (2009-2011) on 13 december 2011.

Publication date (of file/URL)
13 December 2011

Recommendations of the Dutch Taskforce Biodiversity and Natural Resources (2009-2011): 'Green Growth, to invest in biodiversity and natural resources'. Brochure (in Dutch only).

Publication date (of file/URL)
13 December 2011

Public-private cooperation agreement (in Dutch) between the Dutch Government and the 'Platform Biodiversity and Business'. This agreement aims for the implementation of the advise of the taskforce Biodiversity and Natural Resources 'Green Growth, Investing in Biodiversity and Natural Resources'.

Publication date (of file/URL)
13 December 2011

Recommendations of the Dutch Taskforce Biodiversity and Natural Resources (2009-2011): 'Green Growth, to invest in biodiversity and natural resources'. Full report (single and double page layout documents; in Dutch with Executive summary in English).

Publication date (of file/URL)
13 December 2011

English language version of the press release on the occasion of the presentation of the final advice of the Dutch Taskforce Biodiversity and Natural Resources (2009-2011) on 13 december 2011.

Publication date (of file/URL)
5 December 2011

Dutch language summary of the Porpoises protection report

Publication date (of file/URL)
5 December 2011

Letter to Parliament (in Dutch) by the state secretary of that time Bleeker, presenting the 'Porpoises protection report'