Biodiversity Policy Programme 2008-2011
In the policy programme ‘Biodiversity works: for nature, for people, forever', the Dutch government set out its priorities in addressing the biodiversity loss and promoting the sustainable use of biodiversity and natural resources in the years 2008-2011. Cooperation between ministries and with other authorities and actors in civil society was a key feature of this policy. The intention was to have more focus in the ongoing efforts to protect biodiversity. It also set out the Dutch government's policy response to various signals from the scientific community and society.
The Dutch government also decided to ask the Biodiversity and Natural Resources Task Force to publish an advisory opinion on the steps the Netherlands must take in the period after 2010 and to propose verifiable objectives and targets.
The government wished to use this policy program to reinforce public commitment to the preservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. One important point was to highlight and increase public awareness of the value and function of biodiversity for humans. This was therefore an important objective for communication and education about biodiversity, also during the international year for biodiversity 2010. The Dutch government also wanted to further align a number of priority themes and improve cooperation between the different ministries on these points; it therefore invited other public authorities, companies and non-governmental organizations to contribute to achieving the goals set in these priority areas:
- Trade chains and Biodiversity, which among others payed attention to Certification and biodiversity
- Payment for biodiversity (for which among other activities also a conference ‘Investing in healthy ecosystems makes economic sense’ was held.
- Biodiversity works, which among others payed attention to ecosystem services (Factsheet in Dutch), for ecosystem services in the practice of soil management and area development, for Financing of Green-Blue Landscape Services (report in Dutch), and for To venture with Landscape Services
- Ecological networks
- Marine biodiversity and fisheries chains.
Inter-ministerial Biodiversity Program Team (2008-2011)
In order to effectively implement the Dutch biodiversity policy, all departments within the Dutch government worked closely together within the Inter-ministerial Biodiversity Program Team (IPB) established in 2008 for this purpose. The IPB was responsible for effective implementation of the policy paper Biodiversity Works: for nature, for people, forever, Policy Program 2008-2011. This concerns biodiversity all over the world as well as in the Netherlands. The IPB was also responsible for translating recommendations and other findings of the 'Biodiversity and Natural Resources' task force into long-term implementation programs.
In IPB, each priority was addressed by a Theme Coordinator appointed out of the ranks of the participating departments. The following departments participated in IPB: the ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV, coördinating ministry), Foreign Affairs (BuZa), and Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM). IPB was technically and administratively supported by SenterNovem.
Further reading:
- Action program
- Evaluation Dutch Biodiversity Policy Program 2008-2011
- Letter to parliament (in Dutch) on policy evaluation ‘Functional use of biodiversity in agriculture’
- Final report (in Dutch) policy evaluation ‘Functional use of biodiversity in agriculture’
See also the films:
- Introduction Dutch Biodiversity Policy Program 2008-2011
- Sustainable Production Chains
- The User Pays for Biodiversity
- Ecological networks
Also see the factsheets on Ecosystem services, made for the policy program theme ‘Biodiversity works’:
- Fact sheet pollination
- Fact sheet protection against plagues
- Fact sheet soil fertility
- Fact sheet coastal protection
- Fact sheet water storage
- Fact sheet water supply
- Fact sheet peatland areas
- Fact sheet city cooling
- Fact sheet public health
- All fact sheets on ecosystem services (10 sheets in one pdf)
- References fact sheets ecosystem services
In line with the ambition to form ‘new coalitions for biodiversity’ in the period 2006-2009 the ‘Knowledge network on meadow birds landscape’ (in Dutch: ‘Kenniskring weidevogellandschap’) was active. A description of this network for knowledge generation and exchange can be found in the evaluation document kenniskring weidevogellandschap (in Dutch) drawn up at the end of its existence.
News archive
During the period 2008-2011 news items were published on the Dutch CHM site (in Dutch). These are archived here.